Cellular and Molecular Neurophysiology, Fourth Edition by Constance Hammond
Cellular and Molecular Neurophysiology, Fourth Edition by Constance Hammond PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This new, thoroughly revised fourth edition is the only current, established and authoritative text focusing on the cellular and molecular physiology of nerve cells. Understanding the functioning of the neuron, the basic cell of the central nervous system requires a clear understanding of the cellular and molecular physiology of the neuron. The book is hypothesis driven rather than just presenting the facts, and the content is firmly based on numerous experiments performed by the top experts in the field. While the book does cover the important facts, it also presents the background for how researchers arrived at this knowledge to provide a context for the field. It teaches not only how excitable cells work in detail, but also how to construct and conduct intelligent research experiments. This book promotes a real understanding of the function of nerve cells that is useful for practicing neurophysiologists and students in a graduate-level course on the topic alike.
- 70% new or updated material in full color throughout, with more than 350 carefully selected and constructed illustrations
- Fifteen appendices describing neurobiological techniques are interspersed in the text
- Accompanying Instructor website with exercises and Companion website available
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