Minggu, 09 November 2014

PDF⋙ Building Choral Excellence: Teaching Sight-Singing in the Choral Rehearsal by Steven M. Demorest

Building Choral Excellence: Teaching Sight-Singing in the Choral Rehearsal by Steven M. Demorest

Building Choral Excellence: Teaching Sight-Singing in the Choral Rehearsal

Building Choral Excellence: Teaching Sight-Singing in the Choral Rehearsal by Steven M. Demorest PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Designed for both the practicing choral director and the choral methods student, this is a compact and comprehensive overview of the many teaching methods, strategies, materials, and assessments available for choral sight-singing instruction. Sight-singing is an important, if sometimes neglected, facet of choral music education that often inspires fear and uncertainty in student and teacher alike. Written in an accessible style, this book takes the mystery out of teaching music reading. Topics covered include the history of sight-singing pedagogy and research, prominent methods and materials, and practical strategies for teaching and assessment. This is the only book to provide such a wealth of information under one cover and will become an essential part of every choral conductor's library.

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Building Choral Excellence: Teaching Sight-Singing in the Choral Rehearsal by Steven M. Demorest EPub

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