Kamis, 25 September 2014

PDF⋙ Poems of Arab Andalusia

Poems of Arab Andalusia

Poems of Arab Andalusia

Poems of Arab Andalusia PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

These poems, from the astonishing 10th- through 13th-century civilization in Andalusia, are based on the codex of Ibn Sa'id, who wanted poems "whose idea is more subtle than the West Wind, and whose language is more beautiful than a fair face." Spanish readers have long been enchanted by their enduring appeal through the versions by Emilio García Gómez. This poetry of Arab Andalusia made a profound impact on Spain's Generation of ‘27. Rafael Alberti says that it "was a revelation for me and had a great influence on my work, but above all influenced the work of Federico García Lorca.

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