Kamis, 04 September 2014

PDF⋙ Managing Projects with Microsoft Project 4.0: For Windows and Macintosh by Gwen Lowery

Managing Projects with Microsoft Project 4.0: For Windows and Macintosh by Gwen Lowery

Managing Projects with Microsoft Project 4.0: For Windows and Macintosh

Managing Projects with Microsoft Project 4.0: For Windows and Macintosh by Gwen Lowery PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Managing Projects with Microsoft(R) Project 4.0 for Windows(TM) and Macintosh(R) Gwen Lowery Combines job-tested project management strategies with valuable tips for mastering today' s most powerful and versatile desktop project management tool In today' s increasingly competitve, customer-oriented environment, the ability to manage multiple business projects simultaneously is no longer a nicety-- it' s an occupational necessity. Now Managing Projects with Microsoft Project 4.0 shows project managers-- novices and experienced pro' s alike-- how to successfully manage each project that comes their way. This versatile business resource is designed to help you optimize any schedule and make every project happen on time and on budget. How? By offering a practical primer on the concepts and practices of project management and a hands-on tutorial for mastering the latest version of Microsoft Project for Windows and the Macintosh, the standard in desktop project management software. In a clear and concise way this guide explains the fundamentals of project management and the full features of Microsoft Project. From here, a unique chapter organization focuses on each specific phase of the project management process, supplying a wealth of business-tested strategies you can use to customize the power and flexibility of Microsoft Project. The guide: Leads you step-by-step through the three key project management stages -- setting up, optimizing, and tracking.Covers setting goals, listing tasks, estimating task duration, sequencing tasks, and assigning people to each task.Explores multiple ways to tailor the functions of Microsoft Project to yourpreferred work style.Explains how to manage multiple projects, share information with others, and access project information from other software packages.Includes a detailed tutorial for mastering Microsoft Project' s high performance tools.Explains how to optimize and refine a plan, and communicate it to others.From establishing a project' s goals to tracking it to completion, this one-stop guide supplies all the essential business information you need to automate tedious project management tasks, make better deployment decisions, and consistently get the best possible results.

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