Current Techniques in Equine Surgery and Lameness, 2e by N. A. White DVM MS Diplomate ACVS, James N. Moore DVM PhD
Current Techniques in Equine Surgery and Lameness, 2e by N. A. White DVM MS Diplomate ACVS, James N. Moore DVM PhD PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This system-oriented text provides current information on surgical diseases and lameness in horses and builds on basic knowledge by providing an update on topics which have changed or are new during recent years. Each chapter gives a brief review of the topic followed by a synopsis of the latest information including diagnostic skills, surgical techniques, or a new therapeutic protocol. Contains updates on lameness, current recommended dose information, an extensive review of eye surgery, the latest information in skin tumor therapy and much more. Features over 250 new, high-quality illustrations!From reader reviews:
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