Doing Design Ethnography: 0 (Human-Computer Interaction Series) by Andrew Crabtree, Mark Rouncefield, Peter Tolmie
Doing Design Ethnography: 0 (Human-Computer Interaction Series) by Andrew Crabtree, Mark Rouncefield, Peter Tolmie PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Ethnography is now a fundamental feature of design practice, taught in universities worldwide and practiced widely in commerce. Despite its rise to prominence a great many competing perspectives exist and there are few practical texts to support the development of competence. Doing Design Ethnography elaborates the ethnomethodological perspective on ethnography, a distinctive approach that provides canonical 'studies of work' in and for design. It provides an extensive treatment of the approach, with a particular slant on providing a pedagogical text that will support the development of competence for students, career researchers and design practitioners. It is organised around a complementary series of self-contained chapters, each of which address key features of doing the job of ethnography for purposes of system design. The book will be of broad appeal to students and practitioners in HCI, CSCW and software engineering, providing valuable insights as to how to conduct ethnography and relate it to design.
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