Minggu, 22 November 2015

PDF⋙ Diagnostic Imaging: Brain, 3e by Anne G Osborn MD FACR, Karen L. Salzman MD, Miral D Jhaveri MD, A. James Barkovich MD

Diagnostic Imaging: Brain, 3e by Anne G Osborn MD FACR, Karen L. Salzman MD, Miral D Jhaveri MD, A. James Barkovich MD

Diagnostic Imaging: Brain, 3e

Diagnostic Imaging: Brain, 3e by Anne G Osborn MD FACR, Karen L. Salzman MD, Miral D Jhaveri MD, A. James Barkovich MD PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

More than 300 diagnoses that are delineated, referenced, and lavishly illustrated highlight the third edition of this bestselling reference. World-renowned authority Dr. Anne G. Osborn and her expert author team of Drs. Karen L. Salzman and Miral D. Jhaveri provide carefully updated information in a concise, bulleted format, keeping you current with new disease entities and syndromes, MR imaging techniques and applications, and pathology relevant to brain imaging. Succinct text, outstanding illustrations, and up-to-date content make this title a must-have reference for neuroradiologists, general radiologists, neurologists, and neurosurgeons.

  • Concise, bulleted text provides efficient information on more than 300 diagnoses that are clearly illustrated with 2,500 superb images
  • Meticulously updated throughout, with new diagnoses and hundreds of new images that provide the most current information in the field.
  • Expert guidance on CLIPPERS, second-impact syndrome in trauma, perfusion MR for tumor characterization, susceptibility-weighted imaging in stroke and brain bleeds, and molecular markers in brain tumor classification and grading.
  • Updated coverage of brain trauma addresses newly recognized entities, techniques and imaging for rapid stroke triage, and functional imaging and dementia diagnosis.

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Diagnostic Imaging: Brain, 3e by Anne G Osborn MD FACR, Karen L. Salzman MD, Miral D Jhaveri MD, A. James Barkovich MD Doc

Diagnostic Imaging: Brain, 3e by Anne G Osborn MD FACR, Karen L. Salzman MD, Miral D Jhaveri MD, A. James Barkovich MD Mobipocket
Diagnostic Imaging: Brain, 3e by Anne G Osborn MD FACR, Karen L. Salzman MD, Miral D Jhaveri MD, A. James Barkovich MD EPub

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