Budgeting: Politics and Power by Carol W. Lewis, W. Bartley Hildreth
Budgeting: Politics and Power by Carol W. Lewis, W. Bartley Hildreth PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A skillful balance of application and theory, Budgeting: Politics and Power, Second Edition, is a comprehensive yet highly accessible introduction to the politics of budgeting. Unlike other texts on the subject--which typically focus only on budgeting issues at the federal level--this book emphasizes budgeting at the state and local levels in order to translate budgetary politics in a way that is more relevant to the vast majority of students. Drawing on a wide range of academic disciplines, the book also incorporates numerous pedagogical features, including case studies, in-class exercises, discussion and review questions; many charts, tables, photos, and cartoons; a glossary of budgeting terms; and an appendix of key federal budgeting points. A Companion Website at www.oup.com/us/lewis offers links to videos, chronologies, other online resources, and more.From reader reviews:
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