Tennis for the 10 & Under: The New Look of Tennis From A to Z by Kevin Braun
Tennis for the 10 & Under: The New Look of Tennis From A to Z by Kevin Braun PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Since its inception tennis has been taught to kids on full-sized courts with full-sized equipment. Now, tennis is being taught based on size, age, and ability. Smaller court dimensions, balls that travel slower, and racquets sized to fit the player. “Tennis For the 10 & Under” helps teach kids these fundamentals in a way that is both fun and easy-to-understand. By going through the most important aspects of tennis from A to Z, kids are able to learn about everything from a forehand to tennis etiquette. “Tennis For the 10 & Under” is the new look of tennis for a new era of players.
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