Sabtu, 25 April 2015

PDF⋙ A Horse's Thought: A Journey into Honest Horsemanship by Tom Moates

A Horse's Thought: A Journey into Honest Horsemanship by Tom Moates

A Horse's Thought: A Journey into Honest Horsemanship

A Horse's Thought: A Journey into Honest Horsemanship by Tom Moates PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This is an extremely rare written glimpse into implementing the teachings of renowned clinician, Harry Whitney. Tom Moates's popular writings exploring his personal exploits with Niji, Sokeri, and other horses, as he sincerely attempts to improve his horsemanship skills with Whitney's patient guidance, are regular features in Eclectic-Horseman and America's Horse magazines. This book combines an abundance of new, previously unpublished material regarding this ongoing odyssey, with recently expanded and updated essays from the magazine series. Inquisitive as always, Moates applies his familiar candid and plainspoken style to probe the depths of very difficult aspects of horsemanship. The results are sometimes wrecks, occasionally triumphs, but always enlightening . . . and a lot safer experienced on the page!

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