Minggu, 07 Desember 2014

PDF⋙ Silent Sabotage (First Responders) by Susan Sleeman

Silent Sabotage (First Responders) by Susan Sleeman

Silent Sabotage (First Responders)

Silent Sabotage (First Responders) by Susan Sleeman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad


Emily Graves left everything behind to save her aunt's struggling bed-and-breakfast, but she's hardly through the door before she's the one who needs saving. Someone in Bridal Veil, Oregon, will go to any lengths—even murder—to keep her from making the B and B a success. Sheriff's deputy Archer Reed has made it his personal mission to bring down the culprit. But first he has to convince Emily to accept his protection…and determine why anyone would want to harm her. As Emily's unknown enemy becomes increasingly violent, Archer may be the only person who can keep her alive.

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