Jumat, 08 Agustus 2014

PDF⋙ Modern Beaded Lace: Beadweaving Techniques for Stunning Jewelry Designs by Cynthia Newcomer Daniel

Modern Beaded Lace: Beadweaving Techniques for Stunning Jewelry Designs by Cynthia Newcomer Daniel

Modern Beaded Lace: Beadweaving Techniques for Stunning Jewelry Designs

Modern Beaded Lace: Beadweaving Techniques for Stunning Jewelry Designs by Cynthia Newcomer Daniel PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Learn the secrets of making beautiful beaded lace!

In Modern Beaded Lace, beadweaver extraordinaire Cynthia Newcomer translates her love for lace into exquisite beaded creations. Using basic beadweaving stitches, she transforms delicate seed beads and sparkling crystals into flowers, leaves, and scrolls, which become stunning necklaces, pendants, bracelets, earrings, and rings. Cynthia shares everything you need to know to create gorgeous beaded lace, including:
  • An overview of the elements of traditional lace and how to translate them into beaded designs
  • Instructions for the basic beadweaving stitches used in weaving beaded lace, including herringbone, peyote, right angle weave, and square stitch
  • Step-by-step, fully illustrated instructions for creating 18 jewelry projects
  • Tips and inspiration for designing your own beaded lace baubles
It's easier than you imagine to make showstopping beaded lace jewelry!

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Modern Beaded Lace: Beadweaving Techniques for Stunning Jewelry Designs by Cynthia Newcomer Daniel EPub

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