Rabu, 09 Juli 2014

PDF⋙ Rattler!: A Natural History of Rattlesnakes by Chris Mattison

Rattler!: A Natural History of Rattlesnakes by Chris Mattison

Rattler!: A Natural History of Rattlesnakes

Rattler!: A Natural History of Rattlesnakes by Chris Mattison PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

They stir up feelings of fear and fascination, and even people uninterested in snakes pause to hear the often incredible accounts of rattler sightings. Replace that shiver of nervousness with knowledge of these extraordinary creatures-their physical characteristics, habits and habitats, origins and evolution, interaction with humans, and species breakdown. Roughly 4 feet long and capable of swallowing their prey entirely, rattlesnakes represent the pinnacle of reptile development. They deal out death in the blink of an eye. Find out why they shed their skins, the reasons for their various colorations, information about their reproductive cycle, and facts about the rattles themselves. Glorious color photos bring you up close and personal -- as close as you'll ever want to get to a rattlesnake! Gaze at the blue cast over the eyes of certain breeds, the purplish flicking tongue, the venom-ducts and glands, their skin texture, the consumption of a meal, and a snake blending with its environment.

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