Sabtu, 14 Juni 2014

PDF⋙ Mysticism, Fullness of Life: I-1 (Opera Omnia) by Raimon Panikkar

Mysticism, Fullness of Life: I-1 (Opera Omnia) by Raimon Panikkar

Mysticism, Fullness of Life: I-1 (Opera Omnia)

Mysticism, Fullness of Life: I-1 (Opera Omnia) by Raimon Panikkar PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This first volume of Raimon Panikkar's Opera Omnia addresses "the most important theme" of his life and the "indispensable hermeneutical key" to his published writings: mysticism. He links it to the experience of life which each of us enjoys, calling it "a free and spontaneous attitude welling up from the person's fullness."

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