Selasa, 11 Februari 2014

PDF⋙ Life's not a Beach by J Lynn

Life's not a Beach by J Lynn

Life's not a Beach

Life's not a Beach by J Lynn PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Sasha Terrell is living the envious life. She ‘s single, attractive, a college graduate who owns her own home, and she has a great job as a paralegal at a prominent law firm in Charleston, South Carolina. Compared to her childhood friend, Ursula Stevens, she seems to have all the luck meeting the type of men that any woman would want to bring home to her family. Like Ursula, however they’ve turned out to be major disappointments, After dumping her latest boyfriend Derrick Boston, Sasha thinks she may have met the right one in Savon Reece, a handsome proprietor of an auto repair shop. He is the perfect gentlemen around Sasha, who struggles with shedding her fears about trusting men. In author J. Lynn’s debut novel; Life’s not a Beach find out how life is not really perfect in the pursuit of love and happiness. You’ll be taken on a wild, tantalizing erotic ride that may leave you gasping for air when it’s over.

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