The Cuban Cigar Handbook: The Discerning Aficionado's Guide to the Best Cuban Cigars in the World
The Cuban Cigar Handbook: The Discerning Aficionado's Guide to the Best Cuban Cigars in the World PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The Most Definitive Guide to Cuban Cigars!For more than two centuries, Cuban cigars have been heralded as the best cigars in the world. More than just a cigar, they're an art form, with tobacco growers and hand-rollers considered artists. Today, there are more than 200 varieties to discover, and this essential guide highlights each one. Featuring insights from industry experts like Gary Korb and Denis K. Toulouse, The Cuban Cigar Handbook presents an in-depth look at a wide range of fascinating topics, including:
* a complete history of Cuban cigars
* how to spot fakes
* stories of celebrated cigar aficionados from Ernest Hemingway to Rudyard Kipling
* the best Cuban rum to pair with a cigar
* vivid descriptions of Cuba and its environs
* dynamic profiles of growers, hand-rollers, and producers
* and so much more!
This is the ultimate handbook for any burgeoning cigar enthusiast or seasoned connoisseur.
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